New Chemical Scenario For How Life Emerged On Earth
In order for life to emerge, both peptides and nucleic acids must have appeared under "prebiotic" conditions. Despite numerous efforts, the formation of these macromolecules without the help of modern synthetic reagents has not been achieved in a laboratory.
Flying Lemur Called Another Close Relative Of Humans
Our closest relatives -- gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, gibbon apes and baboons -- have now been joined by an animal whose appearance hardly resembles that of humans: the flying lemur.
Unusual Weather Impacts Nation's Struggling Economy
Unusual weather across most of the United States last winter created huge and generally positive impacts to the nation's struggling economy.
Stem Cells In Brain Linked To Formation Of Gliomas
University of Florida scientists report they have found the first evidence of a link between stem cells in the brain and the formation of gliomas, the most common type of brain tumors found in adults.
Causing Injured Nerve Cells In Rats To Regenerate
Using brain cells from rats, scientists at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the University of Hamburg have manipulated a molecular "stop sign" so that the injured nerve cells regenerate.
Calcium-Supplying Tree Fungi Can't Offset Acid Rain
A discovery that fungi on the roots of some trees in the Northeastern United States help supply much-needed calcium in forest soils battered by acid rain would seem to ease worries about the worrisome form of pollution.
Lower Jawbone Of Mammoth Embryo Found In Siberia
For the first time, a well-preserved lower jawbone of a mammoth embryo has been found in Siberia.
Florida To Lead Move To Make Space Travel 'Routine'
NASA has chosen the University of Florida as the lead institution in a nearly $16 million research initiative aimed at making space flight as routine, inexpensive and safe as commercial air travel.
Satellite Imagery Detects Wildfires Automatically
Spotting forest fires in remote areas will be faster and easier this summer as fire-weather forecasters begin using a new technique that automatically detects wildfires in environmental satellite imagery.
Scaling Up Membrane Filters For City Water Supplies
University of Houston researchers are studying how membrane filters, such as those currently used in some home water purification systems, might someday be used on a large scale to remove contaminants and organic compounds that can affect the purity and color of municipal water supplies.
Spectroscope Aids Real-Time Test For Meat Spoilage
A real-time method that rapidly tests meat for spoilage uses a spectroscope to measure compounds produced by microorganisms on the meat.
Estrogen: A Role In HPV Infection, Cervical Cancer?
The female hormone estrogen may have a role in HPV viral infection, strains of which are implicated in cervical cancer, shows research in Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Theory Challenges Darwin Doctrine Of Common Descent
The driving force in evolving cellular life on Earth has been horizontal gene transfer, in which the acquisition of alien cellular components, including genes and proteins, works to promote the evolution of recipient cellular entities.
Genes Next To One Another May Be Expressed Together
Our current understanding of gene expression, the fundamental process by which proteins are made from the instructions encoded in DNA, is that the process is tightly controlled so that the correct amount of each protein is produced in the right place at the right time.
Regulator Of Heat Sensitivity Discovered In Tomatoes
Scientists at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany have discovered a master genetic regulator of heat sensitivity in tomatoes, whose activity is critical for tomato ripening at high temperatures.
Nanopharmaceuticals Open Up Brand New Field Of Study
Drug-binding molecules tiny enough to travel through the body's smallest capillaries may provide a way to spare the heart and other organs from the toxic effects of drug overdose.
Experience Alters How People Perceive Emotion
Because people recognize the same emotions across languages and cultures, psychologists have long suspected that a person's ability to perceive basic emotions is innate.
Racing Bulldozers To Preserve Archaeological Secrets
As dam construction threatens to flood the Tigris River Valley in Turkey, University of Utah archaeologist Bradley J. Parker is racing time as he works to unearth secrets buried at Kenan Tepe.
Antioxidants Taken With Junk Food Can Make It Safer
High intake of glucose, or eating a high-fat, high-calorie fast-food meal, causes an increase in the blood's inflammatory components.
Sex And Violence Impair Memory For TV Commercials
Viewers of programs with sexually explicit or violent content were less likely to remember commercials immediately after exposure and even 24 hours later.
Cell Factories Produce Better Without Reproducing
Preventing microbes from reproducing has the potential to manufacture large quantities of important pharmaceutical proteins, according to an article in the May issue of Microbiology Today quarterly magazine from the Society for General Microbiology in the UK.
Genetics May Explain Variability In Keratin Diseases
Inactivating just one of more than two dozen similar genes can cause temporary but profound hair loss, known as alopecia, in mice, researchers from Johns Hopkins and the Pasteur Institute in France report in the June issue of Genes & Development.
Bandage Rebuilds Scaffolding On Which Cells Interact
John Kao's invention is sort of like a molecular version of Jell-O salad -- it's made from gelatin, turns into a solid and has stuff suspended in it.
Spiny Spider Uses Color To Entice Prey, Not Mates
Like the glitter and glare of Las Vegas beckoning tourists to the gambling tables, the orb-weaving spiny spider flashes its colorful back to lure unsuspecting quarry into its web.
Huge Loops Of Hot Gas Vibrate During Storms On Sun
Huge loops of very hot gas rising above the Sun's surface vibrate with enormous energy at times of solar storms.
Solar System That Looks Like Ours Finally Found
After 15 years of observation and a lot of patience, the world's premier planet-hunting team has finally found a planetary system that reminds them of our own home solar system.
Magnetic Microchip Performs Key Computer Operation
Scientists have successfully carried out a basic computer operation using a magnetic microchip -- a major step along the way to establishing a new generation of electronics and computer technology.
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs Just Don't Work
Pregnancy prevention programs for adolescents don't delay sexual intercourse, don't improve use of birth control among young men and women and don't reduce the number of pregnancies in young women, finds a study in this week�s BMJ.
Stress Doesn't Hike Chances Of Breast Cancer Return
Violence, bereavement, debt and other stressful experiences do not increase the chances of breast cancer returning in a woman who has been treated for the disease.
Gene Found That Makes Malignant Melanoma So Tough
A gene that enables the skin's pigmented cells to survive harsh sunlight may have a darker side as well, making the deadly skin cancer, malignant melanoma, highly resistant to treatment.